Seamus Heaney Plakatserie

“The timeless waves, bright, sifting, broken glass,
Camedazzling around, into the rocks,
Came glinting, sifting from the Americas.
To possess Aran. Or did Aran rush
to throw wide arms of rock around a tide
That yielded with an ebb, with a soft crash?
Did sea define the land or land the sea?
Each drew new meaning from the waves’ collision.
Sea broke on land to full identity.”

an der university of ulster in Belfast, Nord­irland, ent­stand eine pla­kat­se­rie zu seamus heaneys be­rühm­tem ge­dicht "lovers on aran" die gra­fische dar­stell­ung greift da­bei auf in­halt­liche ge­ge­ben­hei­ten zu­rück und stellt die ar­beit heaneys in einem neu­en, vi­su­ellen kon­text dar.


print design


ulster university belfast


kunst & kultur



plakate für seamus heaney
projekt - seamus heaney